
I was thinking about the pitfalls of sticking to a healthy lifestyle during the holidays. Food is the number one culprit to stalling your progress. This prompted me to come up with a list of rules for holiday eating…….



1. Know how much food you need for all that will be attending dinner.
Don’t prepare too much food.

2. If you aren’t cooking you shouldn’t be “tasting” any components of the dinner before hand……..That’s the cook’s job.

3. There is no snacking before, or after on ANYTHING you have for that meal. This means no sampling slices of pie days before the dinner. No sampling the rice & gravy while waiting for the turkey to be done.

4. Drink 8 oz of plain water before you eat your first bite.

5. You can eat whatever you want for that ONE holiday meal.

6. Your meal is finished when 30 minutes has passed and you haven’t anything else.

7. No left overs!!! Give them away or throw them away. I you feel that its a waste of money to throw away food then make sure you reread number 1 above.

8. When you visit family or friends and you’ve already eaten, JUST SAY NO. They will try every tactic possible to get you to eat again. They will tell you “You look good, you can eat more!”, “It won’t hurt, its only for one day!”, “Here, take some with you to go then.”

RESIST! RESIST! RESIST! You can do this.

9. Exercise ASAP!!!

I hope this helps you. I pray for strength in your life. I pray that food becomes less important, and fellowshipping with family and friends become more important.



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childhood obesity

Let’s talk about childhood obesity. From the 1960’s to now the rate of obese children has tripled! A recent study of adolescents to individuals in their 30s found that 36.1% of the sample was obese in 2008, with appox. 90% of obese adolescent remaining obese into adulthood. Parents we set the example for our children. We give them access to whatever they consume. In the beginning we tell what is good and what is not. I’ve seen alot of parents project their preferences onto their children. Have you noticed some children don’t like the same things their parents don’t? We give them treats and say “mmmm that’s good isn’t it?” They learn from us. So that would explain why some children don’t like veggies or drink plain water. Do you agree? Hey here’s a question! Why do you go to the gym and try to eat healthy but stop by McDonald’s for your kids on the way? Just because they’re young and energetic, doesn’t mean damage is not being done. Why do they need to clean their plate? They won’t let themselves starve to death. Also their activity level had decreased due to television, video games, and no after school activities. 40 years ago 42% of US children used to walk or bike to school. By 2001 that rate dropped to just 16.2%. So WE need to encourage more activity. A study was done in 2011 that indicated that 32.4% of our children watched tv 3hrs or more a day on a school night, and 31.1% were obese, 15.2% were categorized as overweight.

Homework: Evaluate your children’s health and habits. Is there anything you can change, regardless of their fitness level now? Are there any activities they can participate in? Can the tv be cut off more? Can they get more activity? Can their diet be changed? Do you feel that your preferences have been projected onto them?

~its about what YOU see in the mirror~

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Its time to stop going t these restaurants and ordering cups of liquid sugar. One thing I know about nutrition is you can always make  food and drink work to your benefit. Iv’e been drinking a tea I put together a while ago after researching fat burning foods. I’m pretty sure I didn’t invent it but I had no outside direction when developing it.  I will give you the ingredients and what each one does for your body………This may sound somewhat familiar because I did a post a little while ago titled “Fat Burning Foods”.


fat burning tea

Cayenne Pepper – 1/2tsp: consumption dilates the blood vessels and speeds the metabolism due to the high amounts of capsaicin. This increases circulation and blood flow to all major organs which facilitates oxygen and nutrient delivery. Some research suggests that cayenne pepper may support a healthy energy balance while suppressing appetite. It has also been shown to aid in the oxidation of adipose tissue, regulate high blood pressure, promote healthy liver function and tissue production, help regulate the digestive system, promote healthy mucus production in the membranes that line internal organs. Cayenne pepper is also claimed to be an aphrodisiac because it contains capsaicin.

Cinnamon – 1 tsp: Published in 2003 in the journal Diabetes Care, a study concluded that in people with Type 2 diabetes, consuming daily low levels of cinnamon that is between 1 to 6 grams (or approximately 1 to 2 teaspoons) reduced blood sugar levels. How cinnamon effects this result is still to be determined but the study also showed that the results lasted in the individuals even as long as twenty days after ceasing to use cinnamon. In 2009, a Scandinavian study showed that in healthy individuals 3 grams of cinnamon per day lowered blood sugar levels after eating a meal. Higher insulin levels lead to less use of excess blood sugar (and sugar is stored in the body as fat), so a reduction in insulin after a meal is significant. If cinnamon can help control the level of blood sugar and, by offshoot, fat levels, then that is corroboration of what some have said regarding its weight loss potential.

Organic Whole Leaf Green Tea – One bag: I rip the bag open and pour the leaves into my mug. After doing research, it was recommended that you let your tea leaves expand to release the natural oils. The bag restricts the leaves from expanding.

According to new research, green tea extract epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) may slow weight gain in two important ways. First, EGCG reduces the ability to absorb fat and second, it enhances the ability to burn fat.

The study, published in the journal Obesity, reports that mice given EGCG in addition to a high-fat diet gained weight 45% more slowly than the control group of mice eating the same diet without EGCG. In addition to lower weight gain, the researchers reported that mice fed green tea showed around a 30% increase in faecal lipids – suggesting that the EGCG limits fat absorption.

Caffeine in green tea: A study in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” noted that caffeine has a thermogenic effect. In the investigation of the effects of caffeine in healthy people who regularly consumed moderate amounts of caffeine, 100 mg, 200 mg and 400 mg of caffeine all stimulated thermogenesis. The more caffeine consumed, the higher the thermogenic effect. Another study suggests thermogenesis may be more pronounced in certain people. In a small study of caffeine-induced thermogenesis in 10 lean and 10 obese women, the thermogenic effect was greater in lean women and lasted longer, compared to obese women consuming caffeine.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar – 1 cap full: 

  • Rich in potassium, a mineral that is often times lacking in adult diets. This mineral is key for growth, building muscles, transmission of nerve impulses, heart activity etc. It also helps to prevent brittle teeth, hair loss and runny noses.
  • Rich in acetic acid. This acid is said to slow the digestion of starch which can help to lower the rise in glucose that commonly occurs after meals.
  • Rich in ash which gives ACV its alkaline property. This aids your body in maintaining proper pH levels for a healthy alkaline state. (It is particularly important if you drink a lot of coffee or wine.)
  • It can help regulate blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol.
  • Rich in malic acid which gives ACV its anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • May help improve bowel irregularity and helps to remove toxins from the body at a faster rate.
  • It can help clear up skin conditions and blemishes.
  • ACV helps with weight loss by breaking down fats so that your body can use them rather than store them.
  • A few lab studies have found that ACV may be able to kill cancer cells or slow their growth.

Place all ingredients in coffee mug, then add boiling hot water. I drink this every morning some time after I wake up, but before my 9 a.m. breakfast. I give it a little flavor by adding lime. I also want to experiment with fresh mint leaves but as long as it doesn’t add too much to the overall cost.


I’ll say it again. Lets stop going to restaurants and ordering liquid sugar. Make your food work for you. Each thing you put in your body should have a purpose………just to make your belly full doesn’t count by the way.

~its about what YOU see in the mirror~

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Although I preach gym, gym, gym that is most certainly not the only way to lose weight. I want to give you some alternatives to the gym for those that don’t like going, or don’t have the money to afford a monthly membership. Its summertime now where I live so we have more resources available to us, like the park, the track, soccer/football field,or even our own yards. I trained three women using equipment I made for around $20. Lets look at some creative ways I exercise and the inexpensive materials I use.

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Discarded Tires

Discarded tires: Because tire service stations have to pay to dispose of these tires,they’ll gladly give you them for free. The place I went to tried to give me a half of semi truck load………….that’s not an exaggeration. Pick a tire you think will give you a challenge. I found that a 15 inch tire is a good starting point. I use a 22 inch now. Make sure you inspect the tire for protruding steel belts. These can cut you hand while handling. I recommend wearing gloves with a rubber grip also. Make sure you wash with soapy water and let dry.

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Bucket With Top

Bucket with top: The bucket was $3.79, the top was $1.27. You may have buckets lying around the house you can use. I wanted to make sure the handles weren’t worn out. I wanted tops so just in case whatever we decide to put in them won’t spill out.

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Sand: I decided sand would be the best material to use, it won’t spill out too easily during transport or exercise. Also if more weight is needed we could add a little water to it. I picked some up at my local home improvement center. The sand was on sale, $1.97 for roughly a 20 pound bags. I used a household scale to weight the sand for each bucket. I made up 3 buckets of sand, one 40 pound bucket and two 20 pound buckets.

Now that you have your materials, what will you do with them? Watch!

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Every person wants sexy, strong legs. Well you don’t get them by sitting on the couch! You don’t get them by “talking” about how much you want. them. You don’t get them by bragging on how others you know have put in the work. And you most certainly don’t get them by hanging around others that already have them. Well that leaves only one question………How do you get them?

Right this way. Remember one thing that I tell all my clients, “I don’t care how many you do if you don’t do them correctly.” And actually if I’m training someone and I find them doing an exercise incorrectly just to get it done, Ill stop counting. I would much rather you take a rest than to perform incorrectly and possibly injuring yourself. If you need to take a rest, don’t stop the clock. You’ll know you’re progressing when you can perform theses exercises straight through.

Exercise 1: Jog in place. 4 min.

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You don’t  want to immediately put pressure on your knees. You want to ease into it with a light warm up. Get those knee up!!!

Exercise 2. Single leg balance 3 min (1 min 30 sec. on each leg)

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Make sure the leg you’re balancing on is straight. Knee not bent, or hyperextended. Knee of foot not on the ground should be in front of you, held up at a 90 degree angle. Keep your back straight. When I train some clients with bad balance, I’ll have them take their shoes off. Stand by a wall the brace yourself in case you start to fall, but challenge yourself to stay up for as long as possible.

Exercise 3: Walking Lunges 2 min


When you perform the lunge, make sure you perform correctly. Your foot distance should be approximately the length of one leg apart when you lower to the floor. Keep your back straight and lower slowly under control as to not bang your knee on the floor.

Exercise 4: Ass to grass squats. min

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This is not a regular squat. You need to get that butt down as low as possible. Keep the back straight and head up through the motion. Once again, use a chair or wall to help you balance but you want to progress to no outside help to properly develop the muscles.

Ok you’re on your way to sexy legs. You’ve read the post. There’s only one thing left to do……….Get to work!

~its about what YOU see in the mirror~

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Ok my faithful troopers, today I want to talk to you about activity. Specifically abdominal core training. Everyone wants abs right? Of course we know diet is important for cutting the fat to see the muscles but at some point we actually have to train the muscles. Here’s my number one secret to having toned abs. Honestly you’ll work more than that. You triceps, chest, quads, and abs.

Furniture Sliders

They can be found at your local home improvement store. Two pairs for $9. I have hardwood floors so I also purchased a outdoor carpet for about $20.

First let’s make sure you get the right size. I found this size works best because its large enough for your foot.

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Next you need to know what to do with them. Watch this video demonstration and follow along.

 Pay attention to form: Don’t let your back dip taking the pressure off your abs. The puts undue pressure on the lower spine, wrists, and shoulders. Its more important that you perform the exercise correctly than it is for you to complete it in the allotted time. So if you need to catch your breath or let the burning sensation subside, do so,then continue until your time is up.

Do 4 rounds of each one minute exercise……….

Please like my page and subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel. There will be more videos posted to help you reach your goal.

~its about what YOU see in the mirror~

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