We’re EXCITED & We’re GETTING Ready To Take Texas & Louisiana By Storm! SAVE THE DATE & CONNECT With Us…..SEE YOU SOON!!

Friday June 20th  SHREVEPORT, LA

6pm-10pm Guest Speaker Tyra Hill

“The Buzz Business Social” ALL WHITE Networking Event TICKETS Available At EVENTBRITE.COM

Sponsored By The Spot At The Randle T. Moore Facility

3101 Fairfield Ave  Tickets $10.00 In Advance $15.00 At The Door

Saturday June 21st AUSTIN TX


Juneteenth Festival At Rose Wood  Park

2K Freedom Run/Walk – Historical Parade – Park Festival Celebration

***Live Broadcast Praise Austin***

Sunday June 22nd AUSTIN TX

11:00 am Guest Preacher Tyra Hill

All The Way Live Worship Center

Hosting Pastor: Pastor Special K

934 Rutland Drive Suite 200

Monday June 23rd HOUSTON TX

8pm –12am

Meet & Greet $15.00 Unlimited Bowling

Bowlmor Bowling Alley

925 Bunker Hill Rd

Friday June 27th Margaritaville Resort Casino BOSSIER LA

Meet & Greet  POOL BAR 7pm

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Can you imagine hearing these words come out of someone you love mouth? What if it was your child, or a niece, nephew, cousin, grandchild, neighbor, family or church member, coworker or friend. How would you feel and what would you do? I know what you’re thinking….”This doesn’t happen in the African American culture”. Whelp, you’re wrong as two left shoes because it does. Truthfully “Self Harm, Self Mutilation, & Self Abuse is a form of “Mental Illness” that DOES NOT have a respecter of person. Just like mental illness this too is kept a secret and is what I deem the “Silent Soul Killer”. I was shocked as I began my research on this topic because it opened my eyes to something that has set out to destroy our youth and adults in our families. First, lets get rid of the myth that self harm is just cutting because it ISN’T. What about having unprotected sex with multiple partners and being addicted to sex? Isn’t this considered “self harm” or being addicted to pills, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, crack, lean, Xanax, & cigarettes?  All of these things are ways we harm ourselves, which is “self harm”.  We cover up our brokenness, hurt, rejection, & self demons while we medicate ourselves with what makes the flesh feel better at that time.  While others take blades and knives and cut their body parts to make them feel better at that time. Could you imagine hurting so bad, the only way to let out the hurt or to express the hurt is by harming self? We’ve all heard of “Mental Illness” and we all know someone who suffers from this disease. But, do you know that there are over 300 manifestations of mental illness according to DSM-IV “Diagnostics & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders”? I didn’t either!! We’ve become familiar with the top 5 common mental illnesses which are bipolar, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, & mood change disorder.  That we missed the other  255 PLUS mental illnesses that haunt our communities daily.  People we see everyday…. our family members, friends, coworkers, mailman, teachers, Pastors and people we worship with are suffering and hurting in silence. Many are ashamed because they don’t want the stigma attached to them. Many go undiagnosed because of other issues such as addiction and molestation. You may not literally “CUT” yourself with a blade, but what is your tool of choice to “CUT” with? Is it food, people, sex, drugs, gambling, or self hate? It’s time that WE TALK ABOUT IT because it’s knocking on all of our front doors. Whether, it’s a school shooting, mall attack, naval shooting, DC sniper, or a private melt down that turns public…..It’s REAL!! Join The Tyra Hill Show Sunday 5 pm EST on www.wpbnetworks.com as we take this discussion further because “If You’re DEALING With It, We’re TALKING About It” on The Tyra Hill Show. Download the WPBRADIO App or watch us Stream LIVE!! #LetsTalkAboutIt

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Mommy Pregant With Nina with Me By her sideDear Mommy,

As a child I thought I could do your job so much better then you. Sometimes, I felt you were unfair when you chastised us or told us NO.  The fact that we had to attend church every Sunday PLUS Bible Study, Sunday School, Usher & Choir rehearsal made me say “When I get grown I’m not going to church”. It wasn’t until I became a Mother and I thought…..WOW “What a big burden to bear by yourself and still NOT miss a beat. Making sure that your children have their essentials and that nothing gets turned off. I’m looking back through my childhood eyes and this is what I see NOW. There was not enough time in the day for you to work, help with homework, cook dinner, wash clothes, clean the house, be nurse, counselor, spiritual adviser, & many other hats you wore. You CONSTANTLY denied self because your children needed and the very thought of having self time wasn’t really a thought at all because your self time became time spent on which bills to pay or which bills could wait. Then both your daughters had the audacity to become teenage Mothers…..YET YOU STOOD by our side and nurtured us. Your faith in God was the very essence of why you refused to throw in the towel and check out. It was your courage and  love for your children that helped you persevere daily. You rose early in the morning 7 days a week  preparing for everyone’s day and before you made a move. You simply lifted your hands and head towards Heaven and you began to pray. Your selfless prayers where filled with Thanksgiving, Adoration, Love, & protection for your children. The house was still quiet because everyone was sound asleep as your silent tears fell because you didn’t know what today’s journey held, but you KNEW who held your day and your tomorrow. No, you didn’t always make the best decision or choices. BUT, you did the BEST you knew how to do and that my Precious Mother is why I’m able to be the BEST Mom that I can be….. I simply learned from THE BEST! Mommy I Love you and it is my prayer that I will be a Mother to my Son like you’ve been a Mother to me…….Bertha Sligh you are AMAZING & I’m honored to call you Mom. Nina Lee Webster Happy Mothers Day Sissy & Happy Mothers Day to ALL of the Mothers & may your Children FOREVER call you BLESSED!! I Light A Candle In Remembrance of My Grandmother Francis Mary Knight Crenshaw Lee……I LOVE YOU Big Momma!!

Love Tyra

Nina & I My Sister & I

Mommy & NinaMy Mother & Sister

Me & MommyMy Mommy & I


Big Momma The Matriarch of Our Family The Late Francis Mary Knight Crenshaw Lee



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MiMi1Okay…..We’ve FINALLY seen the season premiere of Love & Hip Hop ATL! At this point I don’t know if I wanna slap the HELL out of MiMi or give her a hug and a heart to heart Sista Gurl Talk. I’m really trying to rap my mind around the fact; WHY she DIDN’T realize that Nikko trifling good for nothing self was an OPPORTUNIST??!! I wanna believe in my heart that this snake of a man leaked that video without MiMi’s consent….HOWEVER, It couldn’t of been me at the table because I would have flipped over the table on top of him and STOMPED the devil and the rest of his life out of him. Only time will tell us the TRUTH & I’m on STANDBY deleting EVERY tape I’ve EVER made with the Mister LAUGHING BUT VERY SERIOUS!! Hey……you never know what someone will do especially after a breakup! In this day and age you can’t share secrets with so called girlfriends or intimate videos and pictures with so called boyfriends or some spouses. Remember EVERYONE has an agenda and sometimes the agenda is not always positive or in your best interest. I hope the pleasure she felt was worth the EMBARRASSMENT for a lifetime….poor Eva!! What’s your thoughts…..Did she willingly leak the tapes or was she bamboozled and hookwinked?!! LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS &  #LetsTalkAboutIt



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IMG_20130922_191032So I have a confession I don’t watch television often but chile whenever I sit down to watch it, it’s for Scandal ( my favorite show) Mary Mary, and Love and Hip Hop Atlanta! Whenever I miss any episode of any of these shows I’m hoping on Hulu going to YouTube to catch up. But before there was ever a Scandal, there was a huge Scandal on VH1 called Love And Hip Hop ATL! Honey that show consisted of the washed up producer Steebie J ( yes y’all his name is Steebie) Joslin his Jump off that wanted a music career more than she wanted to learn proper English, MiMi his baby mama and faithful “I miss you and my family I need a place to stay partner” Lil Scrappy, his baby mama, and his jump of, so on and so forth oh I can’t forget about K Michelle crazy self! LOL and a plethora of friends and relatives of the cast. But there was a baby momma on here that I really wanted to show their strength stop getting on Steebie J’ s bus and stand on her own two feet and that was MiMi. She’ s very smart has her own business she’s not a bad looking chic, her and Steebie have a very beautiful daughter. We learned on Season 2 that she had a rough childhood which explained why she sought out  attention and love in all the wrong places. The last season she ditched Steebie and started a relationship with Nikkio who really resembles Stebbie, has his mannerism a little less Swag and apparently according to Steebie fake rolex’s that tick? LOL but anywho I was happy that she was happy with anybody besides Steebie. Even though her and Nikko in my opinion had a very strained relationship I was like whatever as long as you not the third wheel in the Steebie triangle. The last episode of the last season MiMi said this long Monologue about how she’s done with Nikkio, Steebie, and wants to just focus on her business and her daughter. I was like finally this lady is making the main thing the main thing.

We fast forward to last week, I’m scrolling on Facebook and boom I see MiMi and Nikko has a sex tape. Being nosey and shocked I’m like nah this is a joke. But before I could even see the results a coworker shows me the “promo” I was like Jesus (y’all know I’m churchy) what about her daughter what about her dignity or self worth? Then I sat and thought ok she’s only relevant when she’s on the show, she probably trying to get on that “Kim Kardashian’s ” plan where you get a sex tape and blow up. But boo that’s a whole different ladder of success that you don’t have the strength, money or power to climb. My thoughts why as women do we degrade ourselves for fame? This is now apart of your legacy. Goggle  and search engines will forever store that. And your daughter can find this information about you at anytime. Selfish desires affect everyone connected to you not Just you!! MiMi you could Never say nothing crazy about Joslin anymore your right there on her level. Sad shame!!


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