As I sat down to watch the Oscars I told my roommate” Lupita is so beautiful and intelligent I hope she wins an Oscar”. As the names of the best supporting Actress were announced I was literally at the edge of my seat waiting for the results. When Lupita Nyong’o name was called for best supporting actress in 12 years a Slave I looked at my best friend and we both said “She is EVERYTHING” as she graced the stage in that light blue one of a kind Prada dress. I felt my eyes began to water. But when she gave that inspirational speech I was DONE!! My favorite part was “”No matter where you’re from your dreams are valid” To me women like Lupita are the role models and mentors that young and old women can look up too. We often see the end of the story but don’t know their struggle. Lupita gave a speech at the Black Women in Hollywood that made me love her anymore. Congrats Lupita you are one of my SHERO’s! Our Black is BEAUTIFUL!!




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