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We talked about how muscle weighs more than fat but it takes up less space. As you can see here, the woman on the on left (the top on mobile screens) actually added  almost 10lbs of muscle but she’s smaller. Her thighs are smaller, her waist has slimmed, her butt is lifted. As a whole her weight is carried differently. The woman in the right pic (bottom on mobile screens), is 5 lbs heavier but she looks smaller also. What I’m trying to show you is they didn’t get big like a bodybuilder by doing resistance training. They added enough muscle to get their bodies the way they wanted them. Another benefit to building more muscle is, you will automatically burn more calories in your everyday life. There’s many ways to achieve more muscle. Body weight exercises, free weights, machines, resistance bands and tubes, etc. I myself, alternate between free weights, body weight, and cardio in one continuos circuit before I take a break. This gives me a total body workout, burning the most calories in the least amount of time. I’m usually done within an hour. The problem with all cardio is it doesn’t build or preserve muscle. Therefore it takes more time to burn the same amount of calories. Also it takes for people to step outside their comfort zone and to deviate from their regular routine of treadmill, elliptical, rowing machine, and exercise bike.

No.1  Don’t focus on how much you weigh.

No.2  Don’t put your resistance training on the back burner and only emphasize cardio. Do them together.

No.3  Let consistency be your goal. Keep your schedule , at least 3 times a week, every week.

No.4  Use tape measure or your clothes as a indication of your progress.

Do this and one day sooner than you think, you’ll come to find you need to buy new clothes.

~its about what YOU see in the mirror~

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