Have you ever seen someone who exercised often, and it seems like they have a over the top upbeat personality? With that “Go team go!!!” attitude? As it turns out research has concluded that exercise can improve mood. One surprising thing that’s been discovered is it doesn’t matter what type or intensity. Now, I’m strictly talking about attitude so don’t think you’re off the hook, I still want the pedal to the metal!!! Anyway, they looked at running, swimming, weight lifting, even yoga, and all participants in those various activities reported improvements in overall mood.
Neurotransmitters by the names of serotonin and dopamine are more commonly known as endorphins. These are the chemicals responsible for the “runner’s high,” or euphoria after prolonged exercise. These chemicals promote a feeling of well being and reduce pain by activating your brain’s opiate centres. According to a study published in “Archives of Internal Medicine,” people with major depressive disorder who were put on a strict exercise regimen saw the same improvement in their symptoms as those taking an antidepressant. Let’s look at the processes that occur……..
Immune Chemicals
An abnormally heightened immune system may aggravate depression. When the immune system is stimulated, the cells release chemicals called inflammatory cytokines. While small amounts of these chemicals are healthy, a study published in the February 2005 issue of “Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry,” suggests that when they remain at too high of a level for too long, they may depress your mood in the same manner that sickness does, when your cytokines are normally at their highest levels. Exercise may reduce these chemicals, resulting in a mood boost.
Increased Body Temperature
Exercise raises the body’s internal temperature, which can relax you and may improve your sense of well being. You do not have to engage in strenuous activity to reap these results. Light to moderate exercise will also improve your blood circulation and warm your body. If you are feeling cold and down, try taking a walk around the block or riding a bicycle to warm up. The result may be a better physical and emotional state of being.
Mental State
In addition to its physical effects, exercise also improves your mood by improving your mental state. Regular exercise contributes to overall health and can help you lose weight. These benefits can make you feel better about your body, which may boost your overall mood. Exercising also gives you a break from your work and allows you to set goals that you can achieve, which improves your state of mind
They also looked at the minimum time it took to feel these benefits, and concluded that as little as 10 minutes of activity was enough. So reduce some stress, save a marriage, handle situations more positively, smile more……exercise.
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