5lbs of fat&muscle resize

5lbs of fat & 5lbs of muscle

We talked about focusing on your overall size and not the number on the scale, this is why. Muscle weighs more than fat but it takes up less space. When you start your workout plan, and you start building muscle you may not see the number on the scale change as much as you think it should. You may become frustrated, but you body may still be changing. Also you need to understand that moving your muscles is the only thing that burns fat/stored calories. So it would stand to reason that the fastest way to lose fat is to build bigger muscles (resistance training). You won’t get big like a bodybuilder unless you lift heavy weights to get big like a bodybuilder. Quiz question 1: if Person A (more muscle) and Person B (less muscle) both walk one block at the same speed, who would burn more calories? Quiz question 2: If your workout consisted of all cardio and no resistance training (muscle building) would it take you longer or less time to reach your size goal? I’m trying to appeal to you sense of logic. If you approach your goal practically, you stand the chance of having a more positive outcome. The worst thing you can do when getting healthy is to just make up a exercises regimen, make up a diet and expect your body to respond the way you think it should. It doesn’t work like that. For instance, I see soooooo many people on cardio equipment at the gym whose bodies don’t seem to be changing much at all.  Some of them push themselves the whole time, others don’t even put forth enough effort to brreathe hard. What’s missing?  They’re contracting their muscles….. Why aren’t their bodies changing? It could be a host of reasons but from a training stand point, their exercise regimen is flawed. Smaller muscle equals fewer calories burned. So do  resistance training to build muscle, cardio to burns calories, and do them together for a greater benefit in less time. Stay off the scale and use a measuring tape to  track you body’s changes.

~its about what YOU see in the mirror~

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