I am an AVID and I mean AVID magazine reader! While I was reading Essence Magazine, I ran across the Sex & Love Dating Data. I was intrigued even more by this section, because its target audience was Single Black Women, so I was eager to see what my Single Sisters around the globe were dealing with. The Poll that was taken “ Single Black Women relate most to these on screen sisters” Mary Jane Paul from being Mary Jane, Joan Clayton From Girlfriends, and Khadijah James from Living Single.

joanSo initially when I looked at it I identified with Joan from girlfriends. I love her style, she was a helpless romantic, but often had bad luck in relationships and sometimes settled because she wanted to be loved. She was always there for her friends while climbing the ladder of success at her law firm.



But on the other had Khadijah from living single was my girl also. She was a business owner of an up and coming Magazine Flavor. Always was the sounding board and provider for her friends. She had a relationship with her childhood friend Scooter who in the end she broke it off for her career. So I just knew my single sister would share the sentiments of my heart and go with who I thought represented the majority of African American single women.
But to my surprise more women identified with Mary Jane Paul. My mouth fell to the floor. I don’t watch the show, because I see enough infidelity by watching Scandal every week. So I chose to skip out on it after watching the first episode. What I gathered was that Mary Jane is a successful news anchor who is dominating her arena; she is a major financial contributor and provider to her family, and seems like the responsible one, but Mary Jane is living a life of infidelity, shame, and depression behind closed doors, because she is sleeping and in this “relationship” with a married man!
At that moment I felt sad for my single sisters why in THEE WORLD is Mary Jane story our story? Why are most single women relating to this scenario? Why aren’t there more options on television for black women to relate too? Why are my Single Sisters “IN LOVE WITH MARY JANE??” TO BE CONTINUED

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