watere weight resize

Water weight seems to be an issue for some of us. It seems that we want to shed every extra pound we can. You know I’m not in favor of constantly weighing yourself and trying to make that number change. What I am in favor of is doing the basic fundamentals necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, with this post I won’t approach from a intent on changing the scale number, but more so from a “self-check” aspect. If you are retaining water. Try these changes……

Drink more water. Believe it or not, you may be retaining water because you haven’t been drinking enough of it in the first place. Lack of water affects your kidneys, which in turn affects your liver, which stops doing its job of burning fat. Not only that, your body doesn’t have the fluid it needs to flush out waste, so it holds on to what water it has, causing you to feel fat and bloated.

Sip steadily. The best way to take water is to drink small amounts continuously throughout the day. Chugging a gallon of water doesn’t provide your body with the water it needs because that “flood” of fluid gets passed on to your bladder and only a slight amount is absorbed by your body.

Reduce salt intake. This is one of the most important steps in reducing bloat because it has an immediate effect on the way that your kidneys control the water balance in your body. Too much salt causes the body to retain water leading to bloating and swelling, particularly in the limbs.

Eat your fruits and vegetables. Fruits and veggies not only contain a lot of water, they’re also high in bioflavonoids and Vitamin C, two substances that strengthen tissue and reduce the tendency of capillaries to leak fluid into surrounding tissue spaces.

Get moving. Exercise can help eliminate water weight through perspiration. You lose excess water as well as the sodium that causes you to retain the fluid.
Exercise helps to widen blood vessels. That means more fluid can get to and go through the kidneys to be excreted.
Get into a regular exercise routine. 30-40 minutes of daily exercise can help combat water retention, increase your metabolic rate and prevent constipation.

Sweat it out. Sweating is a quick yet very temporary way to lose water weight. It opens the pores for deep cleaning and rids the body of excess salts and water. Water weight lost through heavy sweating will be quickly regained once fluids are replaced ( soon after consuming fluids). If you have irregular blood pressure are pregnant or sensitive to heat, you should not sauna. Do not sauna for longer than 20 minutes. Remember this is not a permanent solution to shedding water weight so making the sauna, body wraps, garbage bags, saran wrap and any other apparatus a regular part of your weight loss regimen is a waste of time and money.

As you can see from the information provided, this is an internal issue, not and external one. This means it needs to be handled internally, not externally. Whatever the reason for water retention, this is about health and should be approached in that fashion.

~its about what YOU see in the mirror~

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