Normally I like to share fun, trendy post. But I really felt this should be shared. On a daily basis you pass by your coworkers, close friends and even close family that seem to live a regular life. But really when they are home, there truth faces them every day. Google has a made a cutting edge invention called “Google Glass” which allows you to text, get directions and much more from these glasses. There is a video that is trending that shows an average day in the life of a woman who wears these glasses, her day is normal until the end.


This really struck a chord within me.  I encounter over 100 people daily just in an 8 hour span, and I can imagine how many of those women and men go home to abusive situations and they have a smile on their face but hurt and pain in their heart. Take the time to be nice, share a smile, you never know how that can impact someone.

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