ronald exercising


I read the best quote I’ve seen so far when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. YOU CAN’T OUT EXERCISE A BAD DIET! For instance, if you walk on the treadmill for 30 min, you’ll burn roughly 300 calories. If you eat a Burger King meal (Whopper with cheese, small fry, and med coke) over 30 min……and you know it doesn’t take that long), you would be consuming 1290 calories. You starting to get the picture? Paying attention to what you eat, AND how many calories you consume is important. I had a friend that had the philosophy that if he exercised he could eat what he wanted. A month later he gave up exercising because it wasn’t working…..funny how that works, and what he gave up isn’t it? Once you know how many calories are in the foods you eat, it will be a lot more simple to pick what you want and how much you want to consume. The other solution is to consume healthy foods and abstain from the ones that will spike your blood sugar and sodium levels. Eat natural growing, unprocessed foods. Stop eating science experiments with ingredients you can’t pronounce and can’t find on your own. Consequently you will consume less calorie, improve your health, and lose weight in the process if you’re overweight.

Let me lay this fact on you….. The human being is the only creature on this earth that will eat him/herself to poor health. Most other creatures eat for survival. We’ve turned eating into a source of entertainment. Everything we do now is centered around food. Weddings, funerals, open houses, birthdays, holidays, long time-no see “lets go get something to eat!!!” You ever said “hey its been ages since I’ve seen you! Let’s go for a walk and catch up!” Maybe we should do that…..ijs

Here’s a different point of view. Do you get exited to go to the gas station. “Man were gonna get Shell today! Maybe we’ll get some BP next week! Oh, Oh, how about some Exxon! No, we put gas in the tank and go. We should treat food the same. Stop playing with your it as if you own you own cooking channel. If food is supposed to be for energy, why can’t we just put gas in the tank and go?

I want you to make a conscious effort to change the way you view, prepare and eat food….NOW! I know you can do this. All you have to do is try it one meal at a time.

For all you need to know about nutrition, check out my new book “Fitness Freak Meal Plan” available on A paperback version also a Kindle version is available for download. I f you don’t have a Kindle, download the Kindle app via your app market. If you want to know what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, and why you should eat it, its all in here. All the work has been done for you, just follow along.

Fitness Freak Meal Plan available @

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~it’s about what YOU see in the mirror~

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Every person wants sexy, strong legs. Well you don’t get them by sitting on the couch! You don’t get them by “talking” about how much you want. them. You don’t get them by bragging on how others you know have put in the work. And you most certainly don’t get them by hanging around others that already have them. Well that leaves only one question………How do you get them?

Right this way. Remember one thing that I tell all my clients, “I don’t care how many you do if you don’t do them correctly.” And actually if I’m training someone and I find them doing an exercise incorrectly just to get it done, Ill stop counting. I would much rather you take a rest than to perform incorrectly and possibly injuring yourself. If you need to take a rest, don’t stop the clock. You’ll know you’re progressing when you can perform theses exercises straight through.

Exercise 1: Jog in place. 4 min.

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You don’t  want to immediately put pressure on your knees. You want to ease into it with a light warm up. Get those knee up!!!

Exercise 2. Single leg balance 3 min (1 min 30 sec. on each leg)

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Make sure the leg you’re balancing on is straight. Knee not bent, or hyperextended. Knee of foot not on the ground should be in front of you, held up at a 90 degree angle. Keep your back straight. When I train some clients with bad balance, I’ll have them take their shoes off. Stand by a wall the brace yourself in case you start to fall, but challenge yourself to stay up for as long as possible.

Exercise 3: Walking Lunges 2 min


When you perform the lunge, make sure you perform correctly. Your foot distance should be approximately the length of one leg apart when you lower to the floor. Keep your back straight and lower slowly under control as to not bang your knee on the floor.

Exercise 4: Ass to grass squats. min

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This is not a regular squat. You need to get that butt down as low as possible. Keep the back straight and head up through the motion. Once again, use a chair or wall to help you balance but you want to progress to no outside help to properly develop the muscles.

Ok you’re on your way to sexy legs. You’ve read the post. There’s only one thing left to do……….Get to work!

~its about what YOU see in the mirror~

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My kids and I went to a famous amusement park last week. One thing I knew from eating healthy on the road is sometimes you have no choice but to make due with what you have. I knew we wouldn’t eat at the park food for 5 days, so I went to the grocery store since we had a full kitchen. Keep in mind we were dealing with 90 degree weather. I bought eggs, sausage, cereal, milk for breakfast.  Hotdogs & buns, pb & j, whole grain bread, fresh fruit for lunch. For dinner we ate hamburgers, frozen pizza, fries, hamburger helper………basically everything I tell people not to eat normally. These foods will slow your digestive system down a great deal and the nutritional value is about as close to zero as you can get. My secret weapon to keep our systems regular and and add a healthy kick is raw spinach and plenty of water. I put it on pizza. I line the bun of the  hotdog with spinach before I put the mustard & ketchup on. I make salad using only spinach, no lettuce. Fortunately my children are healthy eaters. I raised them to love veggies. They’ll actually eat plain raw spinach so I don’t have to hide it from them. Also the water will help keep you hydrated and aid in digestion. So why raw spinach?

Raw spinach is a healthy way to improve your digestive system. It contains certain essential nutrients, such as thiamine and fiber, that are used by your digestive system. There are also enzymes located in raw spinach that will help break down your food and improve digestion even further. By eating spinach on a daily basis, you will improve the efficiency of your digestive system without adding any unnecessary calories or fat into your diet.


A single cup of raw spinach has 2 percent of the recommended daily value. Thiamine is essential to digestion because it is used in the creation of ATP. ATP is the body’s energy storage system. ATP powers digestion and without enough ATP you would find it impossible to digest your food.


Raw spinach is good for your digestive system because it has 3 percent of the dietary fiber that you need every day. Dietary fiber works in several different ways to improve the function of your digestive system. Fiber may reduce symptoms of constipation because it improves the bulk of your waste which makes it easier for the large intestine to push it out. Since waste is being removed from the large intestine faster, constipation symptoms are alleviated. Fiber also alleviates diarrhea by absorbing excess water in the large intestine.

Ok now don’t go making up some hair brained diet that states you can eat whatever you want as long as you put spinach on it! This is a dire situation where we needed food that would travel well, and let’s face it, my kids aren’t going to eat kale veggie wraps 24/7 on vacation while others are eating hamburgers, nachos and ice cream sandwiches in their faces. Sometimes you have to bend a little and just make the best of the situation. Its not normal life, that’s why its called a treat.

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~ it’s about what YOU see in the mirror~

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You run and you run, and you don’t shed a pound. It’s one of the leading emotional pain points for people who exercise. All of that effort and so little reward, but why is that? Simple: Cardio is not the fastest way to lose weight, and it’s certainly not the only way. There is a solution, through, which will allow you to spend less time in the gym and see even better results.

You’ve Heard: You Can’t Burn Fat With Strength Training

Far too many people are focused on how many calories they burn while they’re in the gym, but this is shortsighted.

Stop focusing on how many calories you burn in the gym and instead focus on how your body expends calories outside the gym. You burn calories throughout the day regardless of what you are doing, but exercise helps increase the rate at which you burn those calories. With most forms of traditional steady-state cardio (treadmill, running, elliptical), you expend calories while you’re exercising, but once you stop, you quickly go back to your normal metabolic rate.

Strength training, however, builds muscle, and more muscle helps you burn more calories — even when you’re doing nothing but sitting on the couch.

“Strength training is a critical component of any program than emphasizes long-term fat loss,” said Alwyn Cosgrove, co-author of the book “The New Rules of Lifting.” Think of it like this: Muscles are “thirsty” from a metabolic perspective. The more muscle you have, the more fuel you are constantly burning. This is the advantage strength training offers if your goal is to lean out. A treadmill or elliptical trainer is often seen as the quick fix to shed body fat, and they are certainly useful if your goal is to improve cardiovascular health, endurance or simply to burn some extra calories, but strength training is a powerful ally.

You’ve Heard: Running Is the Best Way to Get Fit

It’s not that running as an exercise is bad, but it puts a fair amount of stress on your muscles and joints. Recreational runners can have injuries caused by weakness in the core and hip-stabilizing muscles. The better plan is to take time to develop the muscles of your core and hips first instead of jumping off the couch and running three miles.

For the hip stabilizers, start off with basic single-leg exercises like split-squats, lunges and step-ups. For the core, exercises like front planks, side planks and bird dogs will help get you stronger and more stable, making you much less likely to injure yourself when you do decide to run that 5K.

Some people need activities that are a bit more joint-friendly, as the pounding caused by running on a treadmill or pavement is simply too much. If you like more traditional options, a dual-action exercise bike or rower will not only engage a ton of muscles, but take some of the stress off your joints as well.

If you want newer (and possibly more exciting) variations, consider kettlebell swings, medicine ball or barbell circuits, Prowler pushes, or even battling rope variations.

There are many different ways to get into shape, and while running is great, it’s just one option you have at your disposal.

To sum it up

Strength training can help you lose body fat and is likely a quicker ticket to better fitness than just plain cardio exercises. It also won’t limit your athleticism, but more likely improve it, and women can derive tremendous benefit from resistance training without getting bulky.

For those of you who like to run, it is one way to improve your fitness, but definitely not the only way. As with any program, though, you have to put in the work. It’s time to get into the gym.


~its about what YOU see in the mirror~

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I’ve been talking to people about their diets lately. The one consistent thing I’ve been hearing is “Iv’e started eating healthy. I cut out sugar (candy), and have been eating more healthy (fruit, corn, wheat bread, etc).” See, the problem with the whole idea of cutting back on sugar is we are so “sweets” focused, but the fact is glucose is the sugar that the body uses for energy and stores as fat for later. The most important question that can be asked is what foods break down to glucose? People that are trying to decrease in size and lose fat need to know the answer to this question if they realistically plan to achieve their goals.

We know sweets turn to glucose, thats why they’re the first thing to be cut from the diet. Let’s look at some of the not so obvious foods that deter us from our goals.


glucose wheat


Wheat turns to glucose when it is broken down. The difference between white bread and wheat bread is the bleach added to the flour. Most pastas are made from wheat. I recommend that wheat and anything with wheat in it be cut completely from your diet. Wheat has been known to spike your blood sugar higher than a candy bar.


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Corn is the next food I recommend be cut completely from the diet as soon as possible. Heres  link on the health risks of corn and its derivatives.


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brown rice (white rice is not recommended)

This can be use as a great pre or post workout carb.  I recommend 1/2 cup of cooked brown rice. Keep to in moderation.


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sweet potatoes (white potatoes not recommended)

No more than 1 cup of this starch for lunch or dinner with a healthy protein.



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1/2 cup cooked legumes, 3 to 4 times a week, be aware of the amount of sodium added when preparing.



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I recommend be consumed no more than 3 oz of solid fruit,twice a day and never alone. Should be eaten with a healthy fat to slow the release of the sugar to your blood stream. What do I mean by solid? and actual piece of fruit, not juiced, emulsified, or processed in any way. Although its a natural sugar, at the end of the day its still sugar and will be broken down . People tend to go overboard with fruit when trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

Hopefully this insight will lead to healthier choices when making nutritional lifestyle changes. Most other veggies you can eat as much of as you want, especially green leafy. Just be aware of how you prepare them. I tend to stick with fresh spinach leaves, kale, red peppers, zucchini. These foods among others are nutritious and very low in calories. They should be the focal point of your meal.


~its about what YOU see in the mirror~

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Water weight seems to be an issue for some of us. It seems that we want to shed every extra pound we can. You know I’m not in favor of constantly weighing yourself and trying to make that number change. What I am in favor of is doing the basic fundamentals necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, with this post I won’t approach from a intent on changing the scale number, but more so from a “self-check” aspect. If you are retaining water. Try these changes……

Drink more water. Believe it or not, you may be retaining water because you haven’t been drinking enough of it in the first place. Lack of water affects your kidneys, which in turn affects your liver, which stops doing its job of burning fat. Not only that, your body doesn’t have the fluid it needs to flush out waste, so it holds on to what water it has, causing you to feel fat and bloated.

Sip steadily. The best way to take water is to drink small amounts continuously throughout the day. Chugging a gallon of water doesn’t provide your body with the water it needs because that “flood” of fluid gets passed on to your bladder and only a slight amount is absorbed by your body.

Reduce salt intake. This is one of the most important steps in reducing bloat because it has an immediate effect on the way that your kidneys control the water balance in your body. Too much salt causes the body to retain water leading to bloating and swelling, particularly in the limbs.

Eat your fruits and vegetables. Fruits and veggies not only contain a lot of water, they’re also high in bioflavonoids and Vitamin C, two substances that strengthen tissue and reduce the tendency of capillaries to leak fluid into surrounding tissue spaces.

Get moving. Exercise can help eliminate water weight through perspiration. You lose excess water as well as the sodium that causes you to retain the fluid.
Exercise helps to widen blood vessels. That means more fluid can get to and go through the kidneys to be excreted.
Get into a regular exercise routine. 30-40 minutes of daily exercise can help combat water retention, increase your metabolic rate and prevent constipation.

Sweat it out. Sweating is a quick yet very temporary way to lose water weight. It opens the pores for deep cleaning and rids the body of excess salts and water. Water weight lost through heavy sweating will be quickly regained once fluids are replaced ( soon after consuming fluids). If you have irregular blood pressure are pregnant or sensitive to heat, you should not sauna. Do not sauna for longer than 20 minutes. Remember this is not a permanent solution to shedding water weight so making the sauna, body wraps, garbage bags, saran wrap and any other apparatus a regular part of your weight loss regimen is a waste of time and money.

As you can see from the information provided, this is an internal issue, not and external one. This means it needs to be handled internally, not externally. Whatever the reason for water retention, this is about health and should be approached in that fashion.

~its about what YOU see in the mirror~

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