Everyday is a day to be grateful for, especially today. Today you have the power to enforce change for the greater good of yourself and the world. Your dreams have the potential to be made into reality. Let go of all expectation and just gladly be and do today. Express your gratitude for as many things that you can. Be your own ripple in the wave of today. Let the light shine through your every move. Believe that you are capable of anything you put your mind to. Hold yourself accountable for the role you play in the lives of others. Genuinely take part in your life today. Take control of the time you have, make every second count. Do things out of the kindness of your heart and let it fill you with an abundance to continue to give what you have to offer. Show the world how powerful your existence is. You have a purpose, and it differs from everyone around you because of the personalized characteristics that make you who you are. You posses energy that you can transform and distribute how you’d like. Everything that you do contributes to the grand scheme of life. Eliminate the idea in your mind that makes you believe that you don’t impact the lives of others. Your life unfolds in proportion to your courage, be courageous today. Have the courage to do something you may have never done before, observe the change it creates in your life. Take a moment to breathe, and just be thankful. Instead of focusing energy on your problems, find refuge in your blessings and let it bring forth natural solutions. Reflect on the person you want to grow to be and understand the changes that have to be made in order to become that person. Today  is a day you will never get back, today is YOUR day. Love the life you live and that will lead you to a life you love. Today is the beginning of the rest of your life, which direction do you want to go?