Being the change we want to see in the world requires that we look beyond the surface of ourselves in order to encompass that change. This presents one of our greatest challenges because it inevitably takes us out of our comfort zone. We grow so comfortable in our ways, that we become afraid of the idea of change. Since change is required to grow toward our full potential, by the time change is necessary we create illusions to avoid self-reflection. As a result, we get stuck in the same position no matter how hard we try to move forward. History repeats itself because illusions cause us to find different ways to head back to the same place. By the time we reach familiar signs, the damage has already been done and prosperity is that much harder. It takes a change of perspective to be able to  analyze where you might have went wrong. The ironic thing about reality is that you have the power to change it. We shape our physical reality through our mental. With only a few seconds of focusing your attention on a subject, the Law of Attraction begins to respond. Within 17 seconds of focusing on something, a matching vibration becomes activated. Now, when you repeatedly return to a pure thought, lasting at least 68 seconds, in a short period of time ( hours in some cases, or a few days in others), that thought becomes a dominant thought. Once achieving a dominant thought, you will experience manifestations until you change it. We live in an energetic universe that brings karma to life. The energy that you put out is the energy that you will receive sevenfold because it travels through multiple sources. We are all one and everything we think and do has its’ own ripple in the wave of mankind. As the momentum of a wave progresses through like sources, so does its’ strength. The more we indulge in a particular thing or thought, the stronger it’s influence becomes. At times we grow overwhelmed by these energies and tend to isolate ourselves to better prioritize them. If our intentions are pure and we reflect on our own involvement, we begin a positive state of reinforcement. We transform and channel certain energies to specific energy centers in our bodies called Chakras. If we are not proactive and involved, the energy takes on a life of its’ own and we become a victim to ourselves. Our physical reality consists of 4 dimensions; forward/backward, up/down, left/right and time. The “in, out” dimension refers to the being inside you that can hear and talk without sound waves, feel without sense of touch and see beyond time. This, is where true power may lie dormant if you’re living on the sidelines of your life watching the game pass you by. Deprivation of love and positivity is a sure way to waste the integrity of your mind. Love is one of the strongest forces to be reckoned with, it can purify the most tainted of beings. Fill yourself with love and let it pour out of you, genuinely. Unconditional love is the essence of pure consciousness. I encourage you to do more research on Chakra, meditation, yoga, and pure consciousness in order to become more familiar of the different ways to understand what you’re manifesting subconsciously and be more active in your conscious mind.

There is a plan for your life. No matter how many times or how far you stray away from it, it will always be calling you to it. Those moments of uncertainty is a calling of reflection. Always reflect on where you are, what you’re doing, where you want to be and what it takes for you to get there. Nobody ever said life was easy, and that’s because it isn’t. There are a lot of things that are going to stand in your way that you will have to hurtle over. You may be struggling now, you may struggle tomorrow, but the greatness that awaits you is always there. What makes you happy? What skill have you been blessed with that you can in turn bless the world with? Those skills are a part of your calling. It may just be a hobby that you like to experiment with in your spare time.  What sparks the worlds interest in you? When you do something you love and that you are passionate about, no one can replicate that. They may be able to be in the same field as you, but they are not you and can not bring what you can bring to the table. The foundation of this success is built upon your mindset. Your mind is your weapon, and an awful thing to waste. You can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. Use your mind, heart, and spirit to your advantage. In the words of Buddha, “what you think; you become. what you feel;  you attract, & what you imagine is what you create.” Do not compare yourself to others, you are your own form of beauty and greatness. Perspective is key. You can look at one situation a thousand different ways. You can change your world by changing your thoughts. Humble yourself. Frederick Douglass once said “You are not judged by the height you have risen, but by the depth you have climbed.”  Life is not about what happens to you, it is about how you move through it and overcome your obstacles. Through pain, strength is created and utilized in its best form. Instead of dwelling on the darkness, be the light if you can’t find it anywhere around you. Keep moving forward, walking in faith and believing that you can be as great as you want to be. Each day that you wake up is another chance to go after what you really desire. Every day is christmas, and every night is new years eve. You are constantly blessed with new beginnings and opportunities. Never stop educating yourself, knowledge will always equal power. When you learn something new, apply it to your life and pay attention to the change it brings. It’s one thing to think about doing something and another thing to actually do it. You may genuinely want to do something and don’t know where to start. The first thing you do is put it on paper, look at in physical form. Create goals to reach and don’t underestimate what it takes to accomplish it. Trust and be patient with the process. Everything takes time and effort. You may not get instant gratification but that is okay, do not quit. Claim your victory, affirm to yourself that you will get there, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. You must arrive at your destination before your life does. We live in an energetic universe. What you put out into the world is what will come back to you, sevenfold.  The universe aligns you with people, things and situations that match the energy you put out. The more you improve yourself and raise your vibration, the more you will see things that are beneficial to your well-being. A part of humbling yourself is putting your ego in check. The ego says “ I shouldn’t have to suffer,” that thought makes you suffer so much more. It is a distortion of the truth, which is always paradoxical. The truth is that you need to say yes to suffering before you can transcend it. Not in the sense of; “yes let me suffer,” but more of “yes, I may suffer, but the greatness that awaits me thereafter will bring me greater joy.” Suffering has a noble purpose: the evolution of consciousness and the burning of ego. Frederick Keonig said it best, “We tend to forget happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Your life unfolds in proportion to your courage. So do not let fear or doubt consume you to the point that you procrastinate.  Although it is never too late, it will be much more challenging for you to overcome the mindset that led you into procrastination in the first place. Love yourself, and your neighbor. It may seem hard, but with the right perspective it becomes extremely easy. Love is the one thing people truly can’t ignore within themselves. Love is a powerful energy that pierces through the coldest hearts and darkest minds. The special thing about other people no matter who they are or where they are in  life, is that there’s always something you can learn from them. Whether it’s from a good situation or a bad one, there’s something great to be taken away from every one of them. If you know God, you know that he works in the most mysterious ways. One of the most common ways i’ve experienced myself, was through other people. The nectar of compassion is so wonderful. If you are committed to keeping it alive, then you are protected. What the other person does, or says will not ignite the anger in you, because compassion is the real antidote for anger. Those judgements you have a hard time getting rid of, are actually a reflection of how you see yourself. We tend to make these judgements not realizing they go hand-in-hand with our own behavior. That is another reason why reflection is so important. It’s easy to put your time and energy into other peoples issues than it is your own. Be constructive, not deconstructive. You can hear without vibrations of sound, see without eyes, talk without tongue, and feel without being touched. You are a force to be reckoned with. Life works according to your consciousness. You are more than just a shell, you are a being. In order to tap into that being you have to indulge in the spirit, not the flesh. When the being speaks, all nature and the universe responds. Now, GO BE GREAT! MUCH LOVE, NAMASTE.

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