There’s 1 million different ways to get to the same place. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different outcome. Our habits make us complacent due to comfortability. If/When we reflect, we’re justifying ourselves with illusions. We’re not completely honest with ourselves, which will create a disconnect from the being within. This disconnect will result in mental illness, physical sickness, and emotional turmoil due to our toxic cycles. So many of us are spaced out and disconnected from the world. We’re insecure about ourselves and our lives and have no idea why. We change jobs, find new people to be around, different things to do and still feel stuck in life. If you can relate, your root chakra is out of balance and you are not grounded in the right things. The sad thing about this common issue, is that we are not in tune with our instinctive energy that was manifested in the womb to the age of one year old. This gives you an idea of how early the pollution of our bodies and minds begin.

Many circumstances and variables of life will give and take energy from this chakra at any moment. An energetic blockage at the muladhra chakra can be caused by anything that instills panic, fright or extreme worry, including being homeless, losing your job or the divorce of your parents when you were too young to understand. Life-threatening situations obstruct the flow of energy. If you feel disconnected from your body, live in a fantasy world craving constant change and frequently resorting to escapist activities, then your Muladhara energy is deficient. If you feel preoccupied with routine and fear change, stuck in life and think in terms of black-and-white; you see others as being with you or against you, are frequently depressed and/or obsessed with physical security, then your Muladhara energy is excessive.

The Muladhara chakra is located at the base of your body and governs your skeletal and auto-immune systems, as well as your bowels and teeth. Along with the universe, our body is constantly telling us what is wrong. When this energy is out of balance you may find that you suffer from frequent problems with your; legs feet, knees, base of spine, butt and sciatica. Working with this chakra will allow you to connect with your body again and enhance your ability to eliminate what you no longer need or want in your life. Reflecting on ourselves and our lives is beneficial because we find solutions within our problems. If we get past the uncomfortability that we feel, we will create and use the necessary energy to rearrange our thoughts in a more effective manner. Be honest with yourself about the things you’ve normalized that are not beneficial to your growth. This includes but is not limited to; people, thought processes, actions, substances and ideologies. Our foundation needs to be re-evaluated constantly, otherwise we will resort back to the same things that limited us in the first place. Along with specific yoga and meditation practices, reflecting is the strongest way to connect with inner knowledge. Your brain and body are designed to work in your favor. If you continue to poison what you are made of, what you create will continue to be tainted. To ground yourself with meditation, mentally repeat the following affirmations while planting your feet firmly on the ground:
-I am exactly where I need to be
-I am nurtured by the energy of the earth
-My body supports me with its strength.
This will begin to surface, expel and utilize the necessary energy to reveal the answers you seek regarding your imbalances. Consistency is vitally important. You absolutely have to manifest the correct energy to start seeing the correspondence it has within the universe. if you return to bad habits, you’ll continue to see the same results, inevitably.

Work Cited:

Saradananda, Swami. The Essential Guide to Chakras. Watkins Publishing Limited, 2011. Print

Over the weekend of October 27-29th I had the pleasure and honor of attending The Women’s Convention in Detroit, MI. The movement was created as a result of people all over the world coming together to fight for the rights of women and the equality of all. On January 21st, 2017, women united to revolt against the Trump Administration due to its’ oppressive agenda. The people who attended this convention desired to bring forth great change in history with collective individual effort. I was inspired and emotionally driven to engage in my own passion for spiritual awareness and pure consciousness. The change I personally would like to see is much deeper than politics or personal opinions. I want people to know how deeply their identities are rooted, how extremely important their existence is on a boundless and infinite scale and how meaningful their time on this Earth truly is.

One of the many important things I learned through this experience is how valuable our time is. There are ample amounts of activities we partake in that will lead us absolutely nowhere beneficial to the change that is taking place around us and inside of us, good or bad. The reality that we refuse to acknowledge is that we are not safe in our complacency. Not until the fight has come to our doorstep are we aware of the battles we have to endure. It’s time to dig deep inside ourselves and understand that the fight starts within us. We’re distracted by ideas of fun that will never amount to what we’d experience if we continuously invested into our true potential.

We focus so much of our time and energy on the many components of our physical world that we completely neglect the spiritual. When in all actuality, our energy is intended to be used spiritually to create physical energy that represents our inner being. Today, I really want us to hone into the being inside of us. That still voice deep within you. Before you take the time to do this, mentally prepare yourself with positive affirmations. Know that you are a strong, capable, great and powerful being. Love yourself unconditionally. Let go of physical reality, struggles, illusions, and negativity. Interact with that being because it knows who you are, who you have been and who you have the potential to be. Dispose yourself of distractions for a moment and connect with the eternal realm. This is the place where energy is manifested and brings forth fruition in our physical reality. That energy is seated within your Chakras and from there it’s distributed to its’ designated areas in your physical body.

First and for most, concentrate on grounding yourself through your Root(Muladhara) Chakra. Connect with your creative and explorative nature through your Sacral(Swadhisthana) Chakra. Ignite the transformational power in the Solar Plexus(Manipura) Chakra to combine your ability to imagine and create energetic matter. Allow your Heart (Anahata) Chakra to be the most powerful link between the physical and spiritual realm. Engage your Throat(Vishuddha) Chakra by listening deeply and bringing words to life. Incorporate your intellectual understanding through your Third-Eye (Ajna) Chakra. Connect with your infinite potential and pure consciousness by utilizing your Crown(Sahasrara) Chakra. By truly expending yourself with these chakras you will begin to see with new eyes. Your reality will change based off what you manifested within you. The world outside of you is a reflection of the world inside of you.

This information is to present the reality of the true power that lies dormant within us and how to utilize it. We’re consumed by so many things we don’t understand we just need to take the time to invest in this knowledge to give it the opportunity to change all of our lives. The Women’s Convention showed me how powerful it is to bring riveting truth to the world. The truth I’m working to bring to the surface is spiritual awareness and pure consciousness. It’s an immensely neglected topic that is vital to whole-heartedly understand and encompass as human beings. It reveals purpose and opportunity that we truly yearn to create. We are so much more than just a person walking and working our way through life on earth. We are created in the image of God. There’s oceans, sunsets, animals, elements, trees, and then there’s you. We’re all connected by the energetic forces of life. You are enough, you are powerful beyond measure! Let it excite you, not scare you. Become knowledgable and familiar with this information, and you will become limitless.